Atherosclerosis and its types

Atherosclerosis is a disease at which blood vessels are narrowed. Narrowing is due to the “sticking” of cholesterol on their walls. As a result, blood circulation in the human body becomes less intensive, which affects the general well-being of the patient, and can also lead to a number of diseases and can contribute, for example, to the heart attack emergence.

Atherosclerosis of aorta

This disease at early stages usually runs without any symptoms – only special examination allows diagnosing the case. The following disease symptoms can be noted: abdominal or thoracic discomfort or burning sensation. Also it’s worth paying attention to the increase in systolic blood pressure and the dyspnea onset.

Cerebral atherosclerosis

This disease can have several symptoms at once:

  • undue tiredness;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • performance level decrease;
  • headache;
  • nocturnal sleep aggravation combined with daytime sleepiness;
  • excessive excitability (which was previously uncharacteristic to the person);
  • memory impairment.

Often there are exacerbations of certain personality traits (reaching fever pitch): the thrifty person becomes miserly one, the accurate one becomes too much neat.
Cerebral atherosclerosis in combination with a hypertonia is very dangerous – it can lead to a stroke which will cause paralysis or even death.

Atherosclerosis of renal arteries

In case of atherosclerosis of renal arteries, the patient complains of headaches and dizziness that arise as a result of increased blood pressure. The dyspnea and the cardiac acceleration can appear because of the increased heart load.
It should be noted that the patient does not feel a violation of the urinary kidneys function. But at the same time the urine analysis can provide the attending doctor with enough information to identify this disease.

Cardiovascular atherosclerosis

One of the most dangerous types of atherosclerosis, leading to slow deterioration in functioning of the cardiac muscle. Formation of inspissations in cardiac vessels (coronary arteries) involves misperfusion, anomalotrophy and deterioration of oxygen supply to the myocardium. The heartbeats rate becomes frequent, but becomes tremulous.

Symptoms of cardiosclerosis:

  • general weakness;
  • edemas all over the body;
  • dyspnea;
  • chilliness.

Cardiovascular atherosclerosis leads to coronary heart disease development, and subsequently can lead to myocardial infarction.


First of all atherosclerosis progresses in case of:

  • people in elder age (over 40-45 years);
  • males (the incidence of atherosclerosis is higher than that of females);
  • people with genetic predisposition to atherosclerosis.

Unfortunately, the above factors cannot be eliminated, while other reasons can be prevented:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • smoking;
  • alimentary obesity;
  • low physical activity;
  • emotional overstrain;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • unhealthy diet.


If you have already been diagnosed with atherosclerosis, you must urgently take measures to treat it. Any delay can lead to a deplorable result, so first we should seek the advice of the doctor who finds accommodation of choice.
Further we are treated according to the recommendations given by the doctor.


There are many old wives remedies that promise to completely eliminate the atherosclerotic plaques issue. But do not believe them. You won’t be able to kill this disease without an integrated approach to treatment and specialist consultations.
You have to consult a doctor and discuss with him the treatment methods that you want to apply. We will tell you some of them.

Breathing exercises and atherosclerosis

Breathing exercises improve blood circulation. Since one of the consequences of atherosclerosis is poor blood circulation, then breathing exercises to fight this disease are extremely necessary.
Practicing respiratory gymnastics or training on a breathing simulator promote restoration of a normal vascular lumen, which results in blood circulation management and oxygen and nutrients supply to many organs and tissues (including the myocardium).
Besides that, the formation of a normal blood gas composition (due to long-lasting training) promotes the metabolic rebalancing, which results in the rebalancing of normal metabolism of cholesterol and other lipids.

Respiratory trainer “Samozdrav” is not only effective, but also an extremely convenient tool for the treatment of atherosclerosis with a wide range of favorable effects on the human body. You can train at any time, sitting on the couch or armchair at your own comfortable position.
Make examinations on a timely basis, and from time to time take tests for blood cholesterol level. But do not forget that even normal indicators will not let you to ignore keeping a healthy lifestyle, which can help you never know about the severity of the course of the disease described.

We offer our way of atherosclerosis treatment by means of respiratory gymnastics with the “Samozdrav” training device. Click this link for more information.